THE RAPIDS Youth Ministry

The Rapids, our youth group (ages 6-12th grade), explores subjects that are relevant to the faith journey of youth grades 6-12.  We provide 2 different options for this group.

The Rapids typically meet on Sunday 6pm - 7pm and Thursday 7pm - 8pm. but please reach out to Stacy Turner for more information. Youth (ages 12-18) AND parents are welcome to join! 

Food, Fun and Drinks are provided for an ADVENTURE as we discover new trails to our faith.

If you would like to attend or would like more information, email Stacy.Turner@The-River.Church.

Stay tuned for information and dates for our spring retreat and summer mission trip! It's going to be a great experience and adventure for the youth!

** We gather at the Lord's Table (communion) on the every first Sunday of every month, unless there is a scheduled change denoted with ** on the SERMON SCHEDULE PAGE. If you would prefer your child not partake in communion, please let your child’s teacher or our Director of Family Ministries (Jenny Babb) know.

For more information, please contact Stacy.Turner@The-River.Church.



We have an amazing curriculum for confirmation this year! “Echo” The Story will be scheduled for 12 weeks to be scheduled in 2025. Typically will meet in the youth area (near the 3rd Street entrance) at 9am and will last approximately an hour, then go to worship together. Parent participation is required for at least one session. RSVP as soon as possible (along with any questions) through email at Stacy.Turner@The-River.Church. A Sign Up Genius will be sent out to parents to sign up for the week they will be assisting in confirmation.

The Rapids youth group meets on Sunday 6pm - 7pm and Thursday 7pm - 8pm. If you would like to be added to the email distribution list, send your email address (along with any questions) to Stacy.Turner@The-River.Church. Please RSVP your attendance.




Sunday Bread Table

The Bread Table (weekly Saturday evenings at 9pm):

If you haven’t heard of it or seen it at church on Sunday mornings, we receive donations from the Panera Bread Company in Eureka. Youth (and family) that are signed up, pick up the bread, package it and put it on display at church for both Sunday morning services. The good will offering from our congregation goes into the youth’s account and can go towards registration for this year’s camp and/or other scheduled youth events.

If it’s your first time signing up, let me know and I can walk you through it. Additionally, if you have signed up and cannot make it that weekend, it’s your responsibility to find a replacement. It’s important that we do not miss picking up the donations.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to email Stacy.Turner@The-River.Church. You can also contact me (preferably by text) at 636.489.8658.

Stacy Turner
Youth Ministries Director