Featured Events
Streaming Monday-Thursday at 8 am on Facebook and YouTube
Meeting in person at 10:00 am
Victorian Gardens Site Worship Service,
Friday at 10:30 am
Saturday Evenings at 5 pm - Sunday Mornings at 10 am - Sunday Evenings at 6 pm
Meeting in person and streaming on YouTube and Facebook at 8:30 am on Sunday
Celebrate Recovery Worship Service is meeting in person on Wednesdays:
6pm Dinner, 7pm Worship, 8pm Share Groups.
All services, devotionals, and other streamed ministry content is available 24/7 on our social media platforms, mobile app, and website after the initial stream.
We have an amazing curriculum for confirmation this year! “Echo” The Story will be scheduled for 12 weeks to be scheduled in 2025. Typically will meet in the youth area (near the 3rd Street entrance) at 9am and will last approximately an hour. Parent participation is required for at least one session. RSVP as soon as possible (along with any questions) through email at andrew.smola@the-river.church. A Sign Up Genius will be sent out to parents to sign up for the week they will be assisting in confirmation.
The RAPIDS (youth group)
The Rapids youth group meet 7pm-8pm on Thursdays. If you would like to be added to the email distribution list, send your email address (along with any questions) to
Save the date, Chili cook-off FEBRUARY 22, 2025
WOW and Momentum will sponsor the annual chili cook-off on Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the old Community Center (340 Bald Hill Road, Eureka, MO).
If you haven’t participated in the past, you should definitely give it a try this year. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors.
We will have music, chili, desserts, hot dogs/buns and a separate concession area with drinks and chips for purchase. There will be awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place chili winners and the People’s Choice winning chili.
How does an event like this happen? With your help! Dust off your crockpots, begin perfecting your chili recipe, and enter today to secure your spot! We are looking for people to make chili and desserts for the cook-off, we will need help setting up, cleaning up, and various other things. Please click on the link below to see how you can help.
The chili cook-off raised almost $1900 last year. Our goal this year is to raise $2000. Some of the funds raised will go towards sponsoring two children to attend a summer camp.
Please reach out to Kory Brown, events@the-river.church with any questions.
iron sharpens iron
Hey guys! We are planning to attend a one day Men's Conference on March 1st in St Louis. This includes powerful speakers, amazing worship, and impactful breakout sessions for all men and young men!
Guys, you are invited to bring your sons/grandsons who are 13 years or older!
REGISTRATION IS OPEN! WE PLAN TO ATTEND AS A GROUP AND THE GROUP PRICE IS $49 PER PERSON (compared to $70 per person individually). We will need to submit our group registration on January 27th.
Registration is through The River at Eureka App. Please pay $49 for each person that you are registering. You can access the registration through the MoMENtum tab in the giving portion of the app–here is the direct link.
(If link above doesn’t work, copy and paste)
Save the date! ASPIRE one evening women’s conference in St. Charles on March 7th at 7 pm!
Aspire is a one-night women’s event full of laughter, learning, stories & music with 3 ladies taking the stage.
The event includes three speakers: 1 Bible Teacher, 1 Comedian, and 1 Musician.
Tickets are $30. If you’d like to attend this amazing event, please let Amy Wehr know by January 12 by responding via email to wehramy@gmail.com
Eagle lake Camp
Here we go again! Eagle Lake Camp is returning for another fun-filled week this summer! What better way to wear the kids out and get them ready for their back to school routine?! This year, camp will take place Aug 4-8, for ages 6-12. It is sure to be an amazing week full of inflatables, laser tag, gagaballk, arts and crafts, Bible study, tie dye, and MORE! To register or learn more, go to EagleLakeCamps.
Early registration ends February 28, save $25.
This year, camp will take place Aug 4-8, for ages 6-12
Celebrate Recovery (CR) meets EVERY Wednesday, no exceptions. We do not cancel for holidays or inclement weather. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS: Dinner @ 6 pm, Worship @ 7 pm, Men’s and Women’s Open Share Groups @ 8 pm
You and you're family are encouraged to be part of this life changing ministry. All of us have some hurt, habit, or hang up that is preventing us from experiencing the full and abundant life (John 10:10) Jesus offers us.
VOLUNTEER FOR CR HERE or email the Celebrate Recovery team at CelebrateRecovery@the-river.church or reach out to Pastor Tim for more information on how you can assist.
There are many ways to stay connected to The River!
Instagram @therivermo
Facebook The River at Eureka
Facebook Celebrate Recovery at The River
YouTube The River at Eureka
Our worship services are live streamed to both our respective Facebook pages and YouTube Channel
Our Daily Devotionals (M-F at 8 am) are live streamed on The River Facebook page,
You can also access all of our video content through our mobile app and website, the-river.church
Life Groups, Small Groups, and CR Open Share Groups continue to gather online through ZOOM